The entrepreneur consultancy
We provide advice to entrepreneurs, i.e. people who bear responsibility for themselves and others or wish to assume such responsibility. They not only include owners of companies but also individuals who think and act like an entrepreneur – anyone who, like us, carries the Entrepreneur Genome.
Rather than being just another management consultancy, we are therefore a centre of specific advice and support for any entrepreneur wishing to get ahead.
Our mission is to build bridges – bridges between the present and the future, between generations, between cultures and between parties.
Adfinius – the entrepreneur consultancy. Building bridges.
Our service portfolio is geared towards the needs of operating entrepreneurs and those engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
We pay particular attention to avoiding and dealing with conflict. Conflicts often arise during times of change, when we depart from the beaten track. We provide support when you are going through changes and exploring new pathways. We build bridges between the present and the future, between generations, between cultures and between different interests.
Adfinius – the entrepreneur consultancy. Building bridges.
The focus of the consulting and support we provide is always on the acting and responsible players in the process of doing business – people. Our approach to consulting is always results and solution-based and attuned to the personal skills and strengths of our clients.